Project 1 Proposal

New York City Leading Causes of Death is the dataset I got from NYC OpenData. My research question will be “What are the top 10 causes of death in NYC? And how are they distributed by ethnicity and gender?” This is a really important issue to learn more about since we can see what are the main factors that cause deaths each year, if it’s something we should be aware of, and what we can do to lessen the risk or avoid it.

My audience will be people who live in New York City, I think it’s very useful data for New Yorkers; it gives us a brief overview of the major causes of death, the majority of which are diseases; it’s extremely helpful for people who are currently dealing with those health issues.

The data for New York City Leading Causes of Death ranges from 2007 to 2019, and it includes the total number of deaths as well as the age adjusted death rate by gender and ethnicity.

I used a horizontal bar chart with different colors to show the top ten deaths in NYC from 2007 to 2019. The bar chart sorts in descending order and labels them so we can see the actual numbers in order.

The second bar graph displays the number of deaths by gender and year. I had each color represent a different year for male and female deaths, making it easy for the audience to see the death by gender in different years; it’s obvious that females outnumber males in most years.

I used a text table to show the percentage of deaths by ethnicity in different years. The table gives us a general idea of how it distributed by ethnicity throughout the years to see if the percentage goes up or down by year, or if it stays the same.

These three visualizations provide information on “What are the top 10 causes of death in NYC? And how are they distributed by ethnicity and gender?” I didn’t encounter any difficulties in exploring the data or creating visuals from it; it’s very simple to see and learn from.

This project will be very useful to investigate further in the future; I’m not sure why data collection ends in 2019, but I believe we should continue collecting data, and if we can college the age data, that will be helpful as well. According to the data so far, the most common causes of death are diseases. I believe that we, hospitals, clinics, and all other health care providers, can share this information with patients to give them an idea of what causes the most deaths, so people can pay attention to their health and do regular checks to ensure they are on the right track.

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